
The skills and tips of top performance people in Sports and Business.

  • good cognitive function
  • the nutrition the human brain needs for optimum performance
  • the latest research on brain function, nutrition, exercise, mood and motivation
  • how the body produces and maintains energy
  • the links between stress energy and fatigue
  • the workings of the adrenal (stress) hormones and how they affect physical and mental function
  • optimum eating patterns for sustained energy, mood, concentration, improved sleep, digestion and immunity
  • putting motivation into action – decisions and strategies
  • achieving improved results and health – at the same time


The science of performance is evolving all the time. The keys to a successful day include focus, energy and productive, motivated performance. Our performance workshops deal with the keys to successful performance and maintaining and achieving individual and team performance.

To book or for further information

“Very educational and very interesting. Covers topics which could include hours of discussion. Expresses the importance of the whole body/organs working together.”

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